
Sisters Gloria and Allison were brought up like family with Sam. Their mothers were best friends and their father had been there for Sam when his own father died. But when Sam shows up for an unexpected visit, Gloria's pre-teen crush for Sam starts becoming apparent. Allison is surprised by her own jealousy but more surprised by the reason for Sam's visit.

New York Premiere: (Saint Ann's Playwriting Festival)

Original cast:
Written and directed by Elana Gartner
Stage managed by Jessica Satz Want

Grandma Shirley - Jessica Satz Want
Ruth - Catherine Chambers
Allison - Katie McClancy
Gloria - Amanda Treyz
Sam - Michael Esper
Alexa - Ellie Raab
Stuart - Glen Sanford
Octavia - Karine Adolphe

A little girl and a little boy, back to back making faces